10 DO'S and DON'TS for your short film

     Hello everyone, welcome to photographycinema. We how know how short films are important for beginner film maker. Some have experience and some don't have. 
     Most of the beginners have a story and camera but they do more mistakes at their first film so, here we going to know some important do's and don'ts for a short film. 

       If you are a beginner then you must read this post fully. It will surely help for beginner film makers.

5 do's and 5 don'ts for a short film

1. Do:- Start with a bang!

     Make your opening scene that hook the audience. Starting scene is very important for movie and short film. So, don't give first shot or first scene boring, try to make the scene more engaging to hook up the audience. Give some importance for opening scene to engage the audience for the entire film.

2. Don't:- Don't show unnecessary activities

     It is a important point that many film makers do. They show more unwanted regular activities like he/she wakes up, walking to the bathroom, brushing his/her teeth, combing hair etc. If you keep this kind of shots on starting scene of your film definitely it gives a boring feel to the audience. Try to make more cinematic, filter the shortlist and remove unwanted shots that do not give any impact even if you remove it. If it's important keep it that's okay but if it is not, just remove it.

3. Do:- Minimize exposition

     Do your character's exposition or back story at a minimum time. If you make it 3 to 5 minites in a short film it makes your film more length duration. So make it simple, it is all about your creativity of mind. 

For example :- If your main character is a middle class boy don't try to give a brief explanation that he is middle class. Just show it that he has a normal bike, his clothes not more expensive so, it looks less attractive and by his body language and dialogue. So, that audience can easily understand subconsciously by seeing. Try to make it more simple in a less duration. If you not showing character's exposition it is also wrong. Don't do that just make it more simple.

4. Don't:- Enter late leave early

     Don't give more intro dialogues for the characters like hi, how are you doing, what's up, how was your day etc. Get into the content (main point) quickly. This is called enter late leave early that means that hi, how are you are not needed just start with the content and end with the content, bye see you dialogues are not necessary for the main content.

5. Do:- use intresting location

     Do your shooting in a intresting location. Most of the people do their short film in their home or room. This makes ordinary feel for the entire film. Shoot your film on intresting location that most people do not. For example:- If you recording a two characters conversation there is a difference in shooting at your room, shooting at a restaurant,coffe shop, forest, beach, junkyard etc.  Each location gives a difference in their conversation. So, give some importance to choosing the location.

6. Don't:- Don't take time for credit

     Over 80% of short film makers do this mistake, that taking more time for credits and thanks card. Spending 1 to 2 minutes for credits. is such a waste of time. Particularly do not put the credits at the beginning of the film , If you give more time for credits at the beginning at the beginning, surely the audience gets slightly irritated.

 In theatres for movie audience will not come out because of long time if credits, but in a short film they can easily come out. So, keep it in mind put your credits at the end of the film in a short time. If they like the film, surely they will think to see the credits. Try to start the film quickly.

7. Do:- use lights and props

     Use some lights and properties to make your film feel more cinematic. Give some meaning full colours. If you shoot in outdoor it's okay, but in indoor it not looks well without lights and props. Spending money on lights and dubbing mikes are worthful. These purchase are very useful for film making. Without a good mike audio quality will not satisfy the audience, without lights video quality will not satisfy the audience. To improve your film quality do some worthfull spendings. 

8. Don't:- Don't start with complicated stories

     Don't make film stories that you can understand but audience can not. Keep it in mind this is short film, for short film don't write complicated stories. Simple stories are always good for short film. The simple story will achieve by the way of how you conveying the story to the audience. By your film the audience get the message as same as you think, that way of narrating story is an art. So, try to make a story that audience can easily understand as your same thought. Take a simple story give it in a best visual.

9. Do:- Plan your shoot

     Plan your all work at the beginning of the short film. There will be a difference for a planned film and unplanned film. Whether you are a beginner, your enthu will become more hipe. You will try to finish it and eagerly wait to see the output, but you do lots of mistakes because of without a proper plan. So, spend some time to make a shotlist, make a mood board, dialogues, location, planning your shoot time and date, prepare your story board, plan your angles and visual etc. If you do a plan you can see a lots of good differences from your unplanned film.

10. Don't:- Don't keep more people on spot

     Don't keep more people at the shooting spot. Keep your crew minimal as possible. If you keep your crew more people, you need to spend more energy for them by keeping them silent and easily you can loose your concentration. People management will become more challenge if you keep more people at the spot.

Another important point :- choose your casting characters wisely, because without a good acting the output will not be good even if you do more at cinematography or audio visuals. Try to find good artists for your short film.

     That's all people. I hope these points are helpful to do your short film. Particularly, for beginners. Try follow these points to make it simple and use your mind to be more creative. Planning is most important and learn new things from experienced people. 

     Plan all your things on pre-production. Make your short film and comment below how you did it. All the best for your short film and film makers.




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