Clapper board explanation | what is clap board? | Use of clap board

     Hello everyone. Welcome to photographycinema. It's nice to meeting you again. I hope you guys are having a good impression to our blog.

     Today we going to see about one thing and that is ' clap board' or ' Clapper board ' both are same meaning. Why you need to understand the clap board means if you get a opportunity for assistant director basically you will first oppoint as a Clapper board user. It is basic and necessary to know that. It's not a rocket science its very simple and intresting.

     Even if you are not related to clap board, it's okay. Knowing about these things will help in for your future.

Let's get into it quickly.

Clap/Clapper board

An appearance of clap board

What is clap board?

     In simple words, Clap board is a thing or an object that is use to make a clap sound in front of the camera before the scene starts to shoot. It gives a simple sign that everything is ready to shoot and give a start signal by a high peaked clap sound.

What is the use of clap board?

     The primary use of clap board is to sync the audio with video (synchronisation). If we record one scene audio in a camera's internal mic, it will record fully but it will not perfect and also not comes in a good quality. So, here external mic and recorders are uses in the shooting spot but, from two different sources audio and video track syncing may get difficult to record at the same time. Here clap board plays an important role. 
  That is the one audio from the external audio recorder and another audio track from camera internal recorder will easily combined and sync by the clapping sound. The clap sound is more peak and high level so it easily help to sync the audio with video. 

   Basically, this is the primary work which use by the clap board.

     But there is some other works also done with clap board. The other main use is organizing.


     In the clap board we write more information especially, movie title, director name, cinematographer name, producers name and also we can mention movie's shooting date whether it is day shoot or night shoot. By all that things we can also write the scene number, shot number and take number. These are important coloum we can use.

Scene number

     You can mention the scene number by which scene you are shooting. For example - If you shooting your first scene Just mention scene no.1 .

Shot number

     Suppose in your scene the first shot is a wide shot you can mention as 1 and next you going to a close up you can mention as 2 and every individual shot takes can be mention in take no.
      By all these mentions and numbers you can give a lot of information to your film editor.

     Averagely a film can be shoot by 60 to 100 days. After the film shooting when you came to editing table you see some difficulties to identify individual files one by one.

      To avoid those editing table complications, mentioning scene number, shot number, take number is more better.

Here I will show you how to use that

     In your shooting time you can use lettering system. For example If it is a master shot - M, extra shot - E, close up shot - C etc. So, here you fix a meaning for each letter and mention it near your shot number.
Scene no.   Shot no.   Take no.
     1.                  1M.           2
     Here, I am shooting my scene 1 with a master shot, so it mentioned as M in the shot no. and the best take is my second take.

     Like this you need to mention and use your clap board perfectly.

     Communicate with your editor, tell him that which meaning you are given to a particular letter. Editor can easily understand and identify the shot and the purpose of the shot by seeing the clap board details.

     Clap board information are not only useful for editors, it also use for directors. Using clap board is not a rule or compulsory thing. It's totally your choice whether you want or not.

     Suppose if you work as an assistant, when you get a opportunity for clapper job, please grab it. Because, if you are a Clapper means you get opportunity to travel too close with director and camera man. Your framing sense also improve by clapper job because, you can understand for which type of shot is using for a scene and frame. Also you understand directors perspective and camera man perspective. So don't avoid a good opportunity as an clapper. It may help to your future.

    That's all viewers. I think today i gave more and important information for your life. I hope this blog post will help you to upgrade your skills and knowledge in filmmaking.

     If you have any questions or doubts please contact us or comment below. Subscribe our blog with your gmail account to get notification by your gmail application.

     Thank you for spending your valuable time to read our blog post. I hope you will achieve one day.

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