5 tips to SHOOT better B-ROLL'S
Hello everyone. Welcome to photography cinema. In this blog post i am going to say about b roll and i give you 5 tips that you can shoot b roll with any camera even mobile phone camera. This will help to upgrade your skills to the next level. Before we talk about the tips we will understand what is a b roll B roll explanation :- In common there are types of shots known as A roll and B roll. In simple words A roll means it's a stabilized shot that can use with a tripod or anything. A roll is a a fixed shot, the camera fixed in a place and shoot footages with some common rules. A roll is a primary video. In B roll it is opposite, B roll is always a movement shot and there is no compulsory to use rules to shoot. B roll will helps you to explain what's going on A roll that is a primary shot. B roll is a secondary video and it is mostly have movements. Table of conten...