5 tips to SHOOT better B-ROLL'S

      Hello everyone. Welcome to photography cinema. In this blog post i am going to say about b roll and i give you 5 tips that you can shoot b roll with any camera even mobile phone camera. This will help to upgrade your skills to the next level.

     Before we talk about the tips we will understand what is a b roll

B roll explanation :-

     In common there are types of shots known as A roll and B roll. In simple words A roll means it's a stabilized shot that can use with a tripod or anything. A roll is a a fixed shot, the camera fixed in a place and shoot footages with some common rules. A roll is a primary video. 
     In B roll it is opposite, B roll is always a movement shot and there is no compulsory to use rules to shoot. B roll will helps you to explain what's going on A roll that is a primary shot. B roll is a secondary video and it is mostly have movements.

Table of contents :-
  • Understanding fps
  • In-camera movements
  • Scripting your B roll
  • Transitions
  • Speed ramping
  • Bonus tip

Understanding fps

     FPS is frames per second, the look of the video will depend on what fps you are shooting at. For example :- If you are shooting at 24 fps, basically your camera is capturing 24 pictures per second. If you want to shoot a cinematic sequence 24 fps is the best option and if you want to shoot slow motion B roll you have to shoot at higher fps like 60, 120, 240.

     The higher the fps is lower your footage. Now, most of the people only shoot slow motion B roll but, you have to understand that slow motion is not B roll, it is a part of the B roll and if you only shoot your B roll with slow motion it looks boring. It is necessary to mix and match the sequence in normal speed and certain sequence in slow motion if it is needed. If there is some action you need to slow it down to make more engaging. Give importance to fps to the according situation because, if you make mistake you can't change it later on editing the video.

In camera movements

     When you watching any kind of video if it's a still video it's not intresting, if there is some kind of movements and you able to see more of that particular areas the video become much more dynamic and add some interest. In camera movements is necessary when it comes to B roll. If it's a A roll the camera fixed in a state that's okay but in B roll you need to use some kind of accessories to make a soft movement.

     We can use fluied head to make movements like tilt and panning and another best option for camera movement is gimbal. Gimbal are trending all over the world it is easy to make movements at anywhere. Spending your money for gimbal is a good option and worth it. You can also shoot hand held but make sure you turned on any auto stabilization that you have in the camera or in the lens.

Scripting your B roll

     Why you are shooting a B roll? You shooting a B roll to tell some story. So, you don't shoot B roll randomly and then just keep it together. Yoy have to shoot a B roll with a sequence in your mind. So, whatever scene you are shooting is need to plan before your shoot.

     For example :- If you are flying an drone so, you have the sequence in your mind that to open the drone bag and you will take out the drone and you will setup the remote and then you will fly the drone. So, this is the planned sequence that you have in your mind. Make sure when you are shooting B roll next time have a basic structure in your mind, it will make the process a lot easier for you. You can easily change some shot after the shoot when you script your B roll.


     Many of the people heard about the word ' transitions '. It is so trending now a days. Transitions is  basically a thing which helps you to go from one video to another video. Without any transition cut is call abroad cut. There are lot more complex transitions like dis zomming transitions, the motion transitions, the lumafade transitions as  well. You can download them or make them on your own. Now, the thing is people overuse the transitions. Always remember that your video is about the story not about the transitions. You have to use transitions but make sure you don't over use them, because it will distract your audience. 

     Transitions you are using should also help to telling the story. Always remember the main intention is telling the story. If you have a wideshot and then a close-up shot use  zoom in transition or if it is a close to wide use zoom out transition. Depending on the kind of shot you have to choose transition that's why i am saying you should need a good structure on your mind for your B roll. 

     So, you can shoot your vidoe in that manner and later when you editing you can easily apply your transition that you planned. Applying good transitions will make your video more good quality.

Speed ramping

     Speed ramping means a video plays in a normal speed or fast speed then it suddenly slows like a slow motion. In this speed ramping you should not to shoot the normal speed in one part and slow motion in another part. Shoot a single vidoe at 120 fps then you can increase speed on a certain and you can decrease the speed on later part when you edit your footage. 

     Make sure your transition is gradual so, speed ramping is a great technique to add some interest in your footage. So, even you shoot your B roll in completely slow motion, with  the help of  speed ramping you can add some very good interest in your B roll.

Now talking about B roll let me tell you a bonus tip, that is...

Bonus tip

Sound effects

     Sound effects is more important as video footage. You need to know the importance of sound effects, see a. Video without any sound effects it's not look good right!. Make sure you are using a good sound effects like background noise, transitions sound effects that gives a good feel to your B roll. Good sound effects can get your audience attention Very well.

     That's all viewers. Today we see some necessary tips to use in our B roll video. So you can include these tips to make better B rolls. See our another blog posts to improve your skiils. Subscribe photography cinema with your e-mail so you can easily get notification on your gmail.

     I hope this blog post will help to learn more about the B roll video. If you have any questions or doubt comment below or contact us on the contact page. 

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